NDRN is the nonprofit membership organization for the federally mandated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Systems and Client Assistance Programs (CAP). There is a P&A/CAP agency in every state and U.S. territory as well as one serving the Native American population in the four corners region. Collectively, the P&A/CAP network is the largest provider of legally based advocacy services to people with disabilities in the United States.
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- Alabama
- Alaska
- American Samoa
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Guam
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Native American
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Northern Marianas Island
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Puerto Rico
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virgin Islands
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Showing results in “Alabama”
Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program
AddressThe University of Alabama
Box 870395
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487Phone205-348-4928
205-348-9484 TTD
800-826-1675 Toll FreeFax205-348-3909EmailWebsite
Are you experiencing problems in any of these areas? If yes, select your state or territory above to contact your P&A or CAP.
Are you experiencing problems in any of these areas?
- Moving out of a nursing home.
- Getting your medications paid for.
- Getting the health care services you need.
- Renting a place to live.
- Being evicted or having problems where you live because of your disability.
- Being discharged from a hospital into a nursing home and you don’t believe this is right place for you.
- Getting transportation to get to go places.
- Your Social Security or other benefits have been stopped.
- You need a wheelchair, TTY, mobility cane or other aids to help you be independent.
- You were denied the right to vote because of your disability.
- You want to know what your voting rights are.
- Following an accident or illness you have problems with memory, thinking, behavior, keeping a job, following directions, getting along with others or doing things the way you used to.
- You are not allowed into a store, restaurant or other community setting because you have a service animal or for other reasons related to your disability.
- Understanding rights.
- Getting access to medication.
- What to do if you believe the person may be in danger of harming himself/herself.
- Accessing mental health services.
- Ensuring benefits, such as Social Security, are restored after getting out of prison.
Also call your P&A if:
- You receive a letter from Social Security stating that you are losing your benefits because you are a fugitive felon.
- To learn about your child’s special education rights and related services such as assistive technology.
- Assistive technology is equipment or services that help your child participate in and complete school assignments and activities.
- Your child has not been evaluated for services even though you requested an evaluation.
- The school is not following the requirements of the childs IEP (Individual Education Program).
- The school has not held an IEP meeting within the last 12 months to review your child’s IEP.
- Your child’s needs have changed and you have asked for another IEP meeting, but the school has not followed through.
- Your child is getting suspended or expelled because of behavior related to his disability or other special needs.
- You believe that the placement or services your child is receiving are not meeting her needs.
- You believe that the placement or services recommended by the school are not going to meet your child’s needs.
- Your child has been placed in an alternative school or juvenile justice facility and is not receiving the special education services she needs.
- The school has not provided the equipment such as computers or communication devices that have been recommended to assist your child in completing assignments.
- You want to know what help is available to get or keep a job.
- You want to know what will happen to your benefits if you go to work. Benefits may include:
- Social Security
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Housing
- Food Stamps
- Transportation
- You have transportation problems getting to and from work.
- You believe you were not hired or given a different job because of your disability.
- You were not given the help you needed to do your job.
- You think people at your job are bothering you or not treating you fairly because of your disability.
This includes hospitals, nursing homes, schools, or other treatment centers.
- You believe staff is illegally taking your money.
- You are being physically harmed.
- Someone made you have sex when you did not want to.
- Someone touched your body in a way that made you feel uncomfortable.
- You have been verbally or emotionally bothered.
- You are being given medication that you dont want to take.
- You want a discharge plan.
- Staff is not following your treatment or discharge plan.
- Your discharge plan says that you are ready for discharge, put you are still in the hospital.
- You are not receiving adequate food, clothing or health care.
- You don’t feel safe.
- You need help getting services from VR (Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Services).
- You have been told you cannot get help from VR to go to school or get a job.
- No VR plan has been developed because you and your counselor disagree about your education or job goal or other help you need.
- VR services have been denied or delayed.
- VR is not helping you find a job.
- Your VR counselor will not return your calls.
- You got a new VR counselor and she/he wants to change your plan to get a job.
- Registering to vote.
- You were denied the right to vote.
- Being provided an accessible voting machine.
- Using an accessible voting machine.
- Getting an absentee or mail-in ballot.
- Your absentee or mail-in ballot was not physically accessible.
- Trying to vote while in a residential facility or group home.
- Your state/county’s elections website is not accessible.
- Your polling place was not physically accessible.
- Bringing an assistant or helper with you to vote.
- Your right to vote has been taken away under court-appointed guardianship.
- You were not allowed into the polling place due to a service animal.
- Family, caretaker, or poll workers instructing you who to vote for.
- Family, caretaker, or poll workers trying to prevent you from voting.