Get out the Vote! Supporting Rep Payees and Beneficiaries in the Upcoming General Election

July 24, 2024 Virtual 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Get out the Vote! Supporting Rep Payees and Beneficiaries in the Upcoming General Election

Title: Get out the Vote! Supporting Rep Payees and Beneficiaries in the Upcoming General Election

Date: 7/24/24

Time: 3:00 – 4:30pm ET


We believe that all people who want to be active voters, including those who are served by representative payees, should be registered, and get the support they need to vote. In promoting the full participation of Social Security beneficiaries in elections, their representative payees must be provided with the facts, values, and tools necessary to support them. This session will bust myths and provide technical assistance specific to rep payees in assisting the people they serve in becoming active voters.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Provide resources to support voting access for people with disabilities and those served by Representative Payees
  2. Dispel any myths surrounding access to voting both by mail and in-person
  3. Deliver technical assistance specifically to Rep Payees to better assist them in serving their beneficiaries as it relates to voting


Michelle Bishop and Renee Pruitt, NDRN

Registration Link: