Supporting Community Transition for Individuals with I/DD in Nursing Facilities

September 26, 2024 Virtual 2:00PM - 3:00PM

Supporting Community Transition for Individuals with I/DD in Nursing Facilities

Across the country, individuals with I/DD are stuck in nursing facilities despite a desire to live in the community with appropriate services and supports. Learn strategies to support discharge planning and community integration for these individuals, including, demanding enforcement of the federal law governing Preadmission Screening and Resident Reviews (PASRR) and the federal Home and Community-Based Services Settings rule, and working with the nationwide long-term care ombudsman program. Speakers are from NDRN and the NJ P&A.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recite the basic requirements of the PASRR law.
  2. Identify provisions of the HCBS settings rule that may help individuals with IDD remain in the community and not be placed in nursing facilities.
  3. Explain the role and responsibilities of the LTC Ombudsman program and assess how your agency can work with them to support discharge and transition for individuals with IDD living in nursing facilities.


Gwen Orlowski, Executive Director, Disability Rights New Jersey

Elizabeth Priaulx, Senior Disability Legal Specialist, NDRN

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