ADA & Civil Rights

Protect Our Civil Rights

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is the nation’s strongest law protecting the civil rights of people with disabilities. It prohibits discrimination based on disability and guarantees equal access to public buildings and businesses. NDRN defends the ADA in Washington, DC while the Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Network enforces it in every state and territory.

Latest in ADA & Civil Rights

  • ADA & Civil Rights

    NDRN Joins Amicus in Accessibility Case

    November 10, 2015

    NDRN joined 14 other state and national disability, civil and legal rights organization in an amicus in support of plaintiffs seeking accessibility changes to the City and County of San Francisco’s sidewalks, parks, libraries and recreation centers.

    Amicus Brief
  • ADA & Civil Rights

    The Americans with Disabilities Act at 25: Cause for Celebration and Renewed Resolve

    July 1, 2015

    This report highlights the critical role that P&As have in enforcing the ADA integration mandate and calls attention to disturbing national trends that threaten to distort and weaken the promise of full community integration.

  • ADA & Civil Rights

    Devaluing People with Disabilities: Medical Procedures that Violate Civil Rights

    May 1, 2012

    In a first of its kind study, NDRN determined that performing certain medical procedures or withholding life sustaining treatment in non-terminal situations without judicial review violates the civil rights of people with disabilities.
