Community Integration

A Life in the Community

Progress has been made around the country to ensure that individuals with disabilities who want to live, work and play in the community can do so. But there are many who still think that large institutional settings are the “safest” place for people with disabilities. We believe that segregating people with disabilities, in order for them to receive services, is wrong and dangerous.

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Latest in Community Integration

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    Requests for Proposals for Legal Backup Services

    August 9, 2022

    The Training and Advocacy Support Center (TASC) at the National Disability Rights Network seeks out proposals to provide Legal Back Up (LBU) services to the P&A Network.  TASC/NDRN is seeking two LBUs, one focused on Medicaid and general health care issues, and one focused on community integration and conditions…

  • Community Integration

    Olmstead at 20: Expanding the Vision of Olmstead to Decriminalize Mental Illness

    September 6, 2019

    The Technical Assistance Collaborative (TAC) convened top thinkers from across the U.S. to examine the criminalization of persons with mental illness, and to initiate the use of Olmstead as a framework for reform.

  • Community Integration

    Disability Rights Florida Monitors Facility Housing Unaccompanied Migrant Children

    July 11, 2019

    In a new video, Disability Rights Florida attorney Peter Sleasman describes what led these children to end up in U.S. custody and what he observed during the P&A’s monitoring of the Homestead facility.
