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- Funding
Fiscal Year 2020 Protection and Advocacy for Voting Access (PAVA) Appropriations Request and Justification
March 21, 2019
The PAVA program must be adequately funded to ensure that Americans with disabilities – who have faced a multitude of barriers when exercising their right to vote – can fully participate in our democratic process.
Fact Sheet - Education
Protect the Rights of Students with Disabilities – The Need for an Education P&A Program
March 21, 2019
Additionally, the work of the P&As, though early and effective advocacy will undoubtedly reduce the need for special education litigation.
Fact Sheet - Funding
NDRN Receives Support for Multiple New Projects to Protect and Advocate for People with Disabilities
February 5, 2018
NDRN is pleased to announce it has launched multiple new projects in 2018 that will expand and enhance its work to protect and advocate for people with disabilities.
Press Release