Health Care

Quality, Affordable Health Care for All

Access to health care is a human right. For people with disabilities, access to affordable, high-quality health care is a critical component of community integration. For many, it means the choice to live in one’s own home in the community rather than an institution. NDRN supports that choice by advocating at the federal level to strengthen Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and other health care programs.

Latest in Health Care

  • Community Integration

    Disability Group Letter Supporting H.R. 2941

    July 10, 2024

    NDRN joined 30 other national disability organizations in sending a letter to the House Education and Workforce Committee calling for the passage of H.R. 2941, the Recognizing the Role of Direct Support Professionals Act.

  • Health Care

    National Disability Radio: Here Comes the Bride

    May 31, 2024

    In this (mini?) episode the gang interviews Stephanie's wife Quinn McEben about their work as a mental health care nurse, and how mental healthcare can better serve the disability community.

  • Health Care

    NDRN Calls for FDA Ban on Electrical Stimulation Devices

    May 29, 2024

    For decades, disability professionals, provider associations, family groups, consumer-run organizations, State legislatures, and even the United Nations have unequivocally disavowed the use of contingent electric shock.
