This project was proudly funded by the WITH Foundation.
The National Disability Rights Network, in collaboration with Justice Shorter, Foundations for Divergent Minds and the John Hopkins’ Disability Health Research Center, is proud to announce the Decoding Discrimination Expanded Resource Kit!
Now in its 2nd year, this initiative is designed to identify discriminatory phrases that have appeared in policies/practices/patient notes throughout the pandemic. The remarkable resources below were created from shared insights and extensive research on how both common and coded language is used to deprioritize people of color with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Each of these resources were developed in community and conversation. Our sincere appreciation to everyone who has contributed their thoughts, time and talent to this effort.
We encourage you to review and share these resources widely!
2023 Decoding Discrimination Expanded Roundtable Summary
Testimonies of Medical Trauma by Caregivers
Testimonies of Medical Trauma by Providers
Advocacy Tools and Strategies
Plain Card – “Speak directly to me”
Medical Gaslighting handout
2023 Decoding Discrimination Expanded Webinar Recording
2023 Webinar Transcript
Want to make an addition or suggested edit? Send your comments to [email protected]
Check out Sunstorm Stories 2023 – a series of short narrative videos amplifying the perspectives of people of color with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities. This informative series continues our collaborative efforts to meaningfully improve inclusion, enhance access and prevent discriminatory treatment in partnership with self-advocates, medical professionals, policymakers, families, and other important community leaders.
Also, check out the first year of this campaign, including the webinars! Decoding Discrimination