Today, during a Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs hearing entitled “2020 Census: Conducting a Secure and Accurate Count,” Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) asked the U.S. Census Bureau Director, Dr. Steven Dillingham, questions related to people with disabilities.
The Census Bureau has identified people with disabilities as a hard-to-count population for Census 2020, and so the Census Bureau must discuss continue its work in engaging with the disability community in order to ensure that the Census itself is accessible to people with disabilities, and that they are working to ensure that everyone, including people with disabilities be fully counted in Census 2020.
Below is an except from the hearing:
Here is a clip with captions from the #Census2020 hearing. @SenatorHassan @uscensusbureau #WeCount The full hearing is available here:
— National Disability Rights Network (@NDRNadvocates) July 16, 2019
To get the full hearing, please visit the C-SPAN website.