NDRN and Five Disability Rights Organizations file Amicus Brief in Support of Expanding Access to Absentee Voting in Indiana During the COVID-19 Epidemic

October 6, 2020
NDRN and Five Disability Rights Organizations file Amicus Brief in Support of Expanding Access to Absentee Voting in Indiana During the COVID-19 Epidemic

NDRN and the Indiana Disability Rights (the Indiana P&A) and several disability rights organizations had filed an amicus brief in Tully v. Okeson on September 1, 2020, in support of neither side urging wider access to absentee voting by mail.

On October 6, 2020, the Seventh Circuit in an expedited appeal in Tully v. Okeson held Indiana voting law did not violate the Twenty-sixth Amendment. Indiana law limited access to absentee ballots for individuals under 65 while granting it to people 65 and over.