National Disability Rights Network and Power the Polls Partner to Recruit More Poll Workers Before Midterm Elections

October 4, 2022
National Disability Rights Network and Power the Polls Partner to Recruit More Poll Workers Before Midterm Elections

For Immediate Release                 

Contact: Jack Rosen                
[email protected]

Contact: Power the Polls
[email protected]


Washington DC — This Voter Education Week, the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) is announcing a partnership with Power the Polls to help recruit potential poll workers to serve in their local communities and ensure fair, accessible elections for all voters. Power the Polls is a first-of-its-kind, nonpartisan initiative for recruiting the next generation of poll workers, which launched in 2020 and recruited more than 700,000 potential poll workers ahead of the general election.

With the midterm elections fast approaching, Power the Polls and NDRN are working together to recruit more potential poll workers to increase representation of people with disabilities at the polls, and to provide resources to all poll workers on how to ensure accessibility at polling places—including ensuring voters with disabilities can easily cast their ballots. Researchers at Rutgers found that there is a 5.7 point participation gap among voters with disabilities, and Voter Education Week is one opportunity to bridge the gap for voters with disabilities between registering to vote, making a plan to cast a ballot, and having a positive, seamless experience at their polling place. 

“We’re thrilled to partner with Power the Polls, to help recruit the next generation of poll workers. People with disabilities need to be represented in all parts of the voting process, including as poll workers,” said Michelle Bishop, Voter Access and Engagement Manager at the National Disability Rights Network. “They bring a unique knowledge of the accessibility needs many in the community face, and understand the importance of these voters being treated with respect and afforded the right to vote privately and independently.”

“Poll workers are essential to our democracy—ensuring that polling sites are appropriately staffed to minimize lines and delays, preventing the closing of polling places on Election Day and helping neighbors in their communities navigate issues when voting. Poll workers play an integral role in providing necessary accommodations and support for voters with disabilities,” said Jane Slusser, Program Manager at Power the Polls. “By partnering with the National Disability Rights Network, we have the opportunity to recruit more potential poll workers to fill remaining poll worker gaps across the country and help provide resources to poll workers to ensure a safe, fair, and accessible election for all voters.”

Poll workers help to ensure every polling place is properly staffed, open to voters, and meeting the needs of all voters, including voters with disabilities. Becoming a poll worker is one way for Americans to do their part and ensure all their neighbors have the ability to participate in our democracy.

To sign up to be a poll worker, please visit



About Power the Polls
Power the Polls is a first-of-its-kind, nonpartisan initiative for recruiting poll workers to ensure a safe and fair election for all. Power the Polls was launched in June 2020 by a coalition of businesses and nonprofits, including Civic Alliance, Civic Responsibility Project, Comedy Central, Fair Elections Center, Pizza to the Polls, MTV Entertainment Group, and Center for Secure & Modern Elections. Power the Polls relies on objective data about poll worker requirements and applications collected from over 5,000 jurisdictions assembled by the non-partisan Fair Elections Center.

About National Disability Rights Network

The National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) is the nonprofit membership organization for the federally mandated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Systems and the Client Assistance Programs (CAP) for individuals with disabilities. Collectively, the P&A/CAP Network is the largest provider of legally based advocacy services to people with disabilities in the United States.