- Census
An Accessible 2020 Census: FAQs by the Disability Community About Census Operations
November 27, 2019
Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality and NDRN published this FAQ to provide more information about census operations and accessibility for the disability community.
General - Fires, Disasters & Emergencies
Facing Flames: Actions and Approaches
November 21, 2019
The following synopsis of actions, ideas and approaches reflect how P&As and fire service representatives intend to continue collaborations after attending the 2019-2020 Facing Flames Regional Workshop Series.
General - Voting
NDRN Testifies to Congress on Voting Rights in America
November 13, 2019
Michelle Bishop, NDRN's Disability Voting Rights Specialist, testified during a Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Elections hearing entitled "Voting Rights and Election Administration in America".
General - Census
Census Bureau Says Census 2020 will be Accessible for Everyone
October 30, 2019
The US Census Bureau recently released a new factsheet entitled "The 2020 Census is Accessible for Everyone".
General - Community Integration
Federal Courts Strike Down Trump Exclusion of Immigrants With Disabilities
October 12, 2019
In September 2019, NDRN filed amicus briefs in three cases before federal courts in Washington, New York and California challenging new Trump Administration regulations that make it harder for people with disabilities to apply for certain immigration benefits.