- Education
ESSA Fact Sheet on Accountability
February 15, 2017
ESSA Fact Sheet on Accountability
Fact Sheet - Representative Payees
House of Representatives Creates New Protection and Advocacy for Social Security Beneficiaries
February 6, 2017
WASHINGTON – Last night the United States House of Representative passed H.R. 4547, the Strengthening Protections for Social Security Beneficiaries Act, with a 396-0 vote.
Press Release - Education
NDRN Writes in Opposition of H.J. Res 57 (House)
February 3, 2017
NDRN sent a letter to the full House opposing H.J. Res 57 which would rescind the accountability regulations under ESSA.
Letter - ADA & Civil Rights
Overview of Concerns with H.R. 620
February 2, 2017
H.R. 620 would turn people with disabilities into second-class citizens, and its priorities are profoundly skewed. This bill goes against the very principles of an inclusive society that America is all about. Check out this one-pager that highlights our concerns with H.R. 620.