Keep Up the Good Fight

Voters with Disabilities Activated Register to Vote

Keep Up the Good Fight

In this video, Crosby King reflects on his history of disability activism and the importance of voting. After a spinal cord injury at age 28, Crosby resumed his studies at the University of Houston where he met activists from ADAPT – an organization that protests for disability rights, at times using nonviolent direct action such as sit-ins. For Crosby, this was the start of a lifetime of advocacy, as he put it, “so I got involved with the chapter called Houston ADAPT and for the next several decades I’ve been a disability rights activist and protester and I still protest for a variety of issues, most recently Black Lives Matter”

Of course, being on the front lines of disability rights activism is not always an easy experience, but it can be one that forges bonds and reaffirms your commitment. As Crosby explains,

“I have been arrested 32 times [for protesting], but every time with a group of 50 or 100 other activists… it’s been an empowering experience.”

Every activist has a core issue that drives them. For Crosby, that issue is to keep people with disabilities out of nursing homes. While Crosby feels fortunate that he has his own apartment, he wants to ensure that other folks with disabilities have the same freedom and independence. Crosby says,  “I’m lucky I’ve got my own apartment and so many disabled people they’re stuck in nursing homes or group homes.” He continues,

“… we don’t still enjoy the same civil rights as non-disabled people… we have to keep up the good fight.”

For this reason, Crosby encourages all people with disabilities to go out and vote. As he puts it is important to vote, “now more than ever.”

Tell Us Your Voting Story

Voters with disabilities, share you story! What issues motivate you?