Representative Payee Program Manager
Monitoring and Investigations
Crystal manages the team at NDRN that provides technical assistance and training to the P&A Network implementing the Strengthening Protections for Social Security Beneficiaries Act. In this role, Crystal works directly with the members of the P&A Network and acts as a liaison between the Network and the Social Security Administration. Prior to joining NDRN in August 2018, Crystal worked at the Georgia P&A for 13 years in roles ranging from intake to Director of PABSS and Program Accountability. Crystal was also responsible for managing the case management system, annual reports, and quality control across programs. She managed the Representative Payee Project from start up until she went to work with the State vocational rehabilitation program. There, she promoted an employment first agenda until legislation was passed in spring 2018. Crystal received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Georgia College & State University. She graduated with a Juris Doctor from Drake University. Crystal’s career has been based on advocating on behalf of people with disabilities who experience discrimination. A lifetime member of Little People of America, the national support organization for people with dwarfism, she has personal experience as an individual with and parents of children with disabilities.