Voting Accessibility Organizer Contractor
Legal Services
Kelly Israel is NDRN’s Voting Accessibility Organizer. Kelly coordinates the work of the National Coalition for Accessible Voting (NCAV), a disability rights organization coalition which works to maintain and expand voting access for people with disabilities. NCAV supports federal, state, and grassroots efforts to ensure accessibility in all methods and aspects of the voting process, from registration to casting a ballot. As an autistic person, Kellybrings unique lived experience to the role and has a passionate commitment to the ideal of “Nothing About Us Without Us.” This ideal can only be realized if people with disabilities have equal access to the power to elect and influence those who represent our interests nationwide. Kelly Israel previously worked as a Policy Analyst for the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, wherein she substantially advanced ASAN’s advocacy on the education of children with disabilities, value assessment and its relationship to health care access, supported decision-making as a viable alternative to guardianship, and the over-criminalization of people with developmental disabilities. She contributed to several of ASAN’s key voting rights projects. She has worked for other public interest organizations on the death penalty and on guardianship in the United States. Kelly is also an attorney and graduate of American University, Washington College of Law.