Learn about pending legislation that impacts voters with disabilities, and find out what NDRN is doing to ensure we can fully participate in the political process.
NDRN Executive Director: “Count Every Vote”
We stand strongly in favor of counting every vote to prevent further erosions of the rights of the one in six voters with a disability.
NDRN Calls on Congress for Fair and Safe Election
The letter highlights that voters with disabilities remain a large and influential voting block in America’s elections.
NDRN Joins Organizations in Support of the Delivering for America Act
The letter urges members of Congress to pass the Delivering for America Act.
NDRN Joins Organizations in Support of the United States Postal Service
The letter urges Congress to address the disruptions to the U.S. Postal Service
Polling Places Remain Inaccessible to Voters with Disabilities, Here’s How to Fix Them
Election administrators must include people with disabilities in their planning process to improve access and make the necessary changes to their polling locations to ensure equal access to the ballot box for all Americans.
Disability Advocates Recommend Accessibility Improvements to In-Person Voting Systems
While accessible voting systems increase access to the vote, far too often voters find these accessible voting systems in practice to be poorly maintained over time, segregated at polling places, and remain a mystery for poll workers who have not set them up and turned them on for use.